New stamps

Norra Timber is now launching its new shipping marks, which are intended to better represent the company.

Text: Karolina Edstedt | Graphics: Maria Boman

Published: 2020-12-18

The shipping mark is the mark that is stamped on the end of planks and boards stating the manufacturer and, most importantly, the grade of the timber. The significance of the shipping mark differs across different markets. In some markets, it has become less significant, while in the more traditional markets such as the Middle East and North Africa, it carries much more weight.

“In these territories, much of the product is sold piece by piece, which means that practically every plank and board is seen by the end customer, and then the shipping mark has an important role to play in the marketing,” explains Per-Ola Engerup, Norra Timber.

When Norra Timber merged with NWP, work began on reviewing the sawmills’ shipping marks. The stamps were old and the link to Norra Timber as it now stands is thus not entirely clear. Per-Ola Engerup was project manager for the task of producing a new set of shipping marks and synchronising the sawmills.

“It might seem controversial to change well-established shipping marks right now, but over the long term it makes absolute sense to sync the marketing in every respect, including the timber stamps. We need to have a common thread running through the marketing, so the new stamps are harmonised with the brand on the packaging. We now stamp ‘NORRA’ or ‘NT’, which is clear and logical,” says Per-Ola.

Norra Timber has a total of 18 shipping marks. You can see the full list here.