Agnäs Utility Pole Factory

Agnäs Utility Pole Factory has extensive experience in the production of turned poles made from high-quality redwood. The raw material used is specially selected from the finest pine trees grown in the forests of northern Sweden, which are internationally recognized for their unique qualities.

At the factory the trees are measured and debarked before being turned and sorted by length and dimension. The poles are then dried on well-ventilated stacks for 8–10 months. The bark and wood shavings are later used as energy sources in the heating plant. The dimensions, humidity and quality of the poles are checked a further time upon delivery. The poles are produced with the craftsmanship of our staff to drill, cut and mark them, which results in high-class products that we deliver to around ten countries worldwide.

The factory produces power and telegraph utility poles, lighting poles and fence posts ranging from 7 to 19 meters in length. The majority of the poles are delivered untreated.

Lego impregnation of sawn and planed goods is also carried out at the factory, primarily for our own products as well as for other sawmill/planing mills and customers.