Hissmofors Sawmill

Hissmofors Sawmill cuts both spruce and pine from high-quality slow-grown timber sourced from the forests of northern Sweden. The raw material it uses is suitable for further processing and is also exported worldwide.

A modern sawmill

Hissmofors Sawmill, which is located in Krokom, Jämtland, has operated since the late 1800s. The foundation of the current sawmill dates back to a pulp mill that was phased out in the 1970s, making way for the sawmill we see today. Since its inception in 1982 the sawmill has continually evolved, and today is a modern sawmill with a fully optimized saw line from AriVislanda and a planing mill that processes a wide range of building products.

Close proximity to the E14 highway and the railway gives the sawmill many logistical benefits. An industrial track connects to the sawmill/planing mill and to Norra Skog's raw material terminal. From there raw materials such as pulpwood and sawmill chips are transported by train, primarily to the Husum pulp mill.

The sawmill’s bioenergy plant produces self-generated heat energy. Any excess energy not used for sawmill operations is sent to the district heating network to provide warmth for the nearby community of Krokom.