Sävar Sawmill

Sävar Sawmill is a modern plant with an efficient bandsaw line with a high yield, The sawmill specializes in the production of high-quality whitewood and redwood products. It employs X-ray technology, including the world’s first CT-scan integrated directly into the saw line.

Sävar Sawmill's strategic location provides numerous logistical advantages, with its proximity to ports and container handling ensuring consistent delivery reliability.

With its three biomass boilers, the sawmill supplies excess heat to Umeå Energi's district heating network, which services approximately 10,000 households.

This modern facility was the first in Scandinavia to implement an industrial CT scanner for sawmills, featuring Microtec's unique layer X-ray technology and a high-speed saw line from USNR capable of processing 700 logs per hour. The CT Log X-ray technology scans logs at a rate of 180 meters per minute, providing a complete reconstruction of their internal properties. An automated system then rotates and handles the logs based on the scan results, maximizing their quality attributes. This enables real-time optimization of sorting for maximum value.