More environmentally friendly transport booking system

There are increasing demands from the construction industry and customers for better and more environmentally friendly transport solutions. Since the turn of the year, all Norra Timber’s sites have implemented a new transport booking system that identifies more sustainable freight solutions and makes it easier to follow them up. 

Published 30 April 2024

“Thanks to our new system it is easier for us to make demands on the haulers who deliver our products”, says Per Boman, System Manager at Norra Timber. 


There are 250 different haulage companies registered in the company’s transport booking system. All of these have now filled in a sustainability survey with information about their fleet – including the types of trucks they have, what their working environment is like for employees, and how much diesel their vehicles consume. 


“Before we sign an agreement we collect prices from the haulers and then compare prices with how environmentally friendly the haulers are. In other words, we don't just go for the cheapest price, but for sustainability in combination with price”, says Per Boman, who concludes: 


“Haulage companies must be at the forefront when it comes to sustainability, otherwise they will lose business”.