“Pine from Sweden is a good alternative for us”, says Zahid , who got in touch with Norra Timber after a customer in another market tipped him off about the benefits of Swedish timber. The first export deal was agreed in August 2022, and the two parties met again before Christmas of last year.
“This was the second time I’ve visited Sweden. The first time I was here was during July and then it was basically light all night. On my visit in December it was 15-20 degrees below zero and I didn't see any daylight once. So the weather and the light are fascinating. People live here and they don't seem to have any problems with the cold”, says Zahid and laughs.
During his latest visit Zahid was shown around our sawmills in Kåge and Sävar, where he was given a demonstration of the sawing process.
“It was extremely interesting to see”, he says.

What do you think of our timber products?
“I came to Sweden to buy timber because Swedish wood is known for its very high quality. This was something I could confirm when I visited Norra Skog's production facilities. I can buy any size in any quantity - which is great. We usually buy so-called yellow pine from the USA, which is a type of hardwood we use for producing, among other things, doors and windows. But yellow pine is very expensive, so pine from Sweden is a great option for us. It's a high-quality wood that is a little softer, has a beautiful color and does not need oiling after drying. I hope to be able to market Swedish timber in Pakistan. If we buy Swedish timber we don't need American pine”, says Zahid.
Pakistan has a growing population of over 230 million. The country’s timber market is quite developed and includes many different types of sawn timber products in several different dimensions.
“This makes it easier for us to find products that suit both of us. We have a very strong collaboration in which we work to create mutually profitable business and increase the volumes being sent to the Pakistan market”, says Niklas Gustafsson, who is Zahid’s sales contact at Norra Timber.
Zahid also appreciates the collaboration with Norra Timber.
“Norra Timber is really helpful. They have shown me the process and the quality of the timber and have constantly given me feedback, which I appreciate. It is important for us that we can order products in multiple sizes and different quantities, so I am extremely grateful”, he says.